Produkt zum Begriff Recycling:
Diversity Amid Globalization: World Religions, Environment, Development, Global Edition
For Introductory World Regional Geography/Regional Geography Courses. Diversity Amid Globalization takes students on a journey into the connections and diversity between people and places–the contrasting regions of the world–within thematically organised regional chapters. With an arresting visual layout and new and updated content and maps throughout, the text maintains and strengthens its hallmark thematic organisation and focus on globalisation, while encouraging students to participate in the material using a number of stimulating, interactive learning tools. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, Global Edition
Picking up where popular previous editions left off, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy further sharpens and modernizes this text's approach. It teaches strategy with an emphasis on globalization, innovation and sustainability. And teaches you the strategic concepts you should know as you face the issues that all organizations must build upon to push their businesses forward.With new cases, vignettes, examples and statistics in the 16th Edition, you get an extraordinarily well-researched and practically crafted lesson.
Preis: 85.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, Global Edition
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. For courses in Strategic Management and Business Policy. Utilise a strategic management model to learn and apply key concepts Picking up where the popular previous editions left off, Concepts in Strategic Management and Business Policy: Globalization, Innovation and Sustainability, 15th Edition further sharpens and modernises this classic text’s approach to teaching strategy with an emphasis on globalisation, innovation, and sustainability. Throughout, the authors equip students with the strategic concepts they will need to know as they face the issues that all organisations must build upon to push their businesses forward. In this edition, Alan Hoffman and Chuck Bamford offer a fresh perspective to this extraordinarily well­-researched and practically crafted lesson. Also included is a new chapter on global strategy.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Lifespan Development, Global Edition
For courses in Lifespan Development. An introduction to developmental science that focuses on applications and research Lifespan Development provides a thorough overview of developmental science, with a focus on helping students apply their understanding of development to their own lives. With a down-to-earth writing style and an emphasis on how concepts connect to research, authors Denise Boyd and Helen Bee make abstract theoretical material understandable to students. In addition to updated content and the latest research, the 8th Edition includes revised themed essays, each with accompanying journaling activities, that offer opportunities to engage deeply with concepts.
Preis: 69.02 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie funktioniert das Recycling?
Recycling ist ein Prozess, bei dem Abfälle gesammelt, sortiert, gereinigt und in neue Produkte umgewandelt werden. Zunächst werden die recycelbaren Materialien wie Papier, Glas, Plastik und Metall von den nicht recycelbaren Abfällen getrennt. Anschließend werden sie gereinigt und zerkleinert, um sie in neue Produkte umzuwandeln. Diese neuen Produkte können dann wieder verwendet werden, wodurch weniger Ressourcen verbraucht und weniger Abfälle produziert werden. Recycling ist ein wichtiger Schritt zur Reduzierung der Umweltverschmutzung und zur Schonung der natürlichen Ressourcen.
Ist Recycling Toilettenpapier umweltfreundlicher?
Ist Recycling Toilettenpapier umweltfreundlicher? Recycling Toilettenpapier wird aus recycelten Papierfasern hergestellt, was dazu beiträgt, die Abholzung von Bäumen zu reduzieren. Durch die Verwendung von Recycling Toilettenpapier wird auch weniger Energie und Wasser verbraucht, da die Herstellung weniger Ressourcen benötigt. Zudem wird die Menge an Abfall verringert, da recyceltes Papier wiederverwendet wird. Insgesamt kann Recycling Toilettenpapier daher als umweltfreundlichere Option betrachtet werden im Vergleich zu herkömmlichem Toilettenpapier.
Was ist Recycling Schotter?
Recycling-Schotter ist ein Baumaterial, das aus recycelten Materialien wie Beton, Ziegelsteinen und Asphalt hergestellt wird. Diese Materialien werden zerkleinert, gereinigt und zu Schotter in verschiedenen Korngrößen verarbeitet. Durch die Verwendung von Recycling-Schotter können natürliche Ressourcen geschont und Abfälle reduziert werden. Das Material eignet sich für den Einsatz in verschiedenen Bauprojekten wie Straßenbau, Fundamenten und Landschaftsgestaltung. Recycling-Schotter ist eine nachhaltige Alternative zu herkömmlichem Schotter und trägt zur Kreislaufwirtschaft bei.
Was bedeuten Recycling Symbole?
Recycling-Symbole sind Piktogramme, die auf Verpackungen und Produkten angebracht werden, um Verbrauchern Informationen über das Material und die Recyclingfähigkeit des Produkts zu geben. Sie dienen dazu, Verbrauchern zu helfen, Abfälle richtig zu trennen und zu recyceln. Die Symbole können auch Informationen darüber enthalten, ob das Produkt recycelbar ist oder aus recycelten Materialien hergestellt wurde. Durch das Verständnis dieser Symbole können Verbraucher dazu beitragen, die Umweltbelastung durch Abfälle zu reduzieren und die Kreislaufwirtschaft zu fördern.
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Preis: 47 € | Versand*: 0.00 € -
The Business Environment: A Global Perspective
A deep dive into the internal and external environments in which a business operates today.The Business Environment: A Global Perspective, 9th Edition, by Thompson, Worthington and Britton offers a comprehensive and accessible introduction to how local and international business environments operate. Employing a PESTLE model which is relevant to all industries, this best-selling textbook takes you through contexts, types of organisation and markets, dealing with contemporary issues in socioeconomic, political and legal structures.The new edition offers a clear explanation of economics such as why the prices of the things you buy might go up or down, or why employment might be harder or easier to find at any given time. New chapters on the global Covid-19 pandemic and de-globalising factors, including Brexit, give an all-round perspective on how factors influence one another, and convey the complexity of the business environment. The wealth of contemporary case studies from local and international organisations, helps you put theory into practice.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
International Finance: Theory and Policy, Global Edition
For courses in International Finance.A balanced approach to theory and policy applicationsInternational Finance: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of the discipline. An intuitive introduction to international finance theory is followed by detailed coverage of policy applications. With this new 12th Edition, the author team of Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz of Harvard University continues to set the standard for International Finance courses.Also available with MyLab Economics: MyLab Economics is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts.Students, if interested in purchasing this title with MyLab Economics, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Preis: 82.6 € | Versand*: 0 € -
International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition
A balanced, global approach to economic theory and policy applications International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 12th Edition by Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, and Marc Melitz, provides an engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts of international theory and policy, from theory to practice.Divided into two halves, the first half is devoted to trading and the second half to monetary questions. The text provides a comprehensive introduction to theory and events, as well as detailed coverage of the actual policies put into place.This latest edition is thoroughly updated and revised, highlighting important economic developments on a theoretical and practical level, with many updates focusing on the recent COVID-19 pandemic experience and its implications on the global economy.Further updates include:A study of the latest trends on import competition from developing countries – and especially case studies regarding China and the U.S. – China trade tensions.A discussion of the impact of Brexit.A study of the relationship between money supply and prices, illustrating the recent hyperinflation in Venezuela as an example. An array of useful features, case studies and examples in the text will equip you with the intellectual tools necessary to understand the changing world economy and the economic implications of global interdependence.Reach every student by pairing this text with MyLab® EconomicsMyLab is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student. By combining trusted author content with digital tools and a flexible platform, MyLab®Economics personalises the learning experience and improves results for each student.If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyLab® Economics search for:9781292409856 International Economics: Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 12th Edition with MyLab EconomicsPackage consists of:9781292409719 Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 12th Edition9781292409733 Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 12th Edition MyLab® Economics9781292409849 Theory and Policy, Global Edition, 12th Edition Pearson eText Pearson MyLab® Economics is not included. Students, if Pearson MyLab Economics is a recommended/mandatory component of the course, please ask your instructor for the correct ISBN. Pearson MyLab Economics should only be purchased when required by an instructor. Instructors contact your Pearson representative for more information.This title is a Pearson Global Edition. The Editorial team at Pearson has worked closely with educators around the world to include content, which is especially relevant to students outside the United States.
Preis: 85.07 € | Versand*: 0 €
Was ist Mülltrennung und Recycling?
Mülltrennung ist der Prozess, bei dem Abfälle in verschiedene Kategorien sortiert werden, um sie für das Recycling vorzubereiten. Recycling bezieht sich auf die Wiederverwertung von Materialien aus Abfällen, um neue Produkte herzustellen. Durch Mülltrennung und Recycling können wertvolle Ressourcen geschont und die Umweltbelastung reduziert werden.
Was ist Recycling auf Deutsch?
Was ist Recycling auf Deutsch? Recycling ist ein Prozess, bei dem Abfallprodukte gesammelt, sortiert und wiederverwertet werden, um neue Produkte herzustellen. Dieser Prozess hilft, die Umwelt zu schonen, Ressourcen zu sparen und die Mülldeponien zu reduzieren. In Deutschland gibt es ein gut ausgebautes Recycling-System, das es den Bürgern ermöglicht, ihre Abfälle in verschiedenen Behältern zu trennen und sie zur Wiederverwertung bereitzustellen. Durch Recycling können wertvolle Rohstoffe wie Papier, Glas, Metall und Plastik wiedergewonnen und erneut genutzt werden.
Wie funktioniert das Recycling von Smartphones?
Das Recycling von Smartphones erfolgt in mehreren Schritten. Zuerst werden die Geräte zerlegt, um wertvolle Materialien wie Gold, Silber und Kupfer zurückzugewinnen. Anschließend werden die einzelnen Komponenten sortiert und recycelt. Das Recyclingverfahren kann je nach Unternehmen variieren, aber das Ziel ist es, die Umweltauswirkungen zu minimieren und Ressourcen zu schonen.
Wie funktioniert das Recycling der Platten?
Das Recycling von Platten erfolgt in mehreren Schritten. Zunächst werden die Platten gesammelt und sortiert. Anschließend werden sie zerkleinert und gereinigt. Die gewonnenen Kunststoffpartikel werden dann geschmolzen und zu neuen Platten geformt. Dieser Prozess reduziert den Bedarf an neuen Rohstoffen und verringert die Umweltbelastung.
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